Dr. Boróka Júlia Bíró

Dr. Boróka Júlia Bíró, economist, assistant professor at the Department of Life Sciences, Faculty of Sfantu Gheorghe, Sapientia University of Transylvania. She started working on agricultural economics research 17 years ago as an undergraduate student. Since 2009 she has been involved as a lecturer in higher education in Transylvania, first at the Babeș-Bolyai University and then at Sapientia EMTE. Currently, she teaches economics to agricultural engineering students at Sapientia EMTE, Faculty of Agricultural Engineering, Sfântu Gheorghe. Her research and professional interests include:

the Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union, rural economics, project management, marketing, short supply chains. At the university, in addition to theoretical training, she attaches great importance to case study-based, practice-oriented teaching in her courses. She encourages her students to take part in professional competitions outside the university: every year she mentors her students in the Agrovirtus digital agri-management competition.

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