Charaf Hassan is an internationally recognized figure in the development of mobile applications, a promoter of the widespread use of IT developments, a shaper of meaningful collaboration between industry and higher education, and a committed advocate of development-oriented and student-centered IT education. He graduated in electrical engineering from the Technical University of Athens in 1992; his scientific, development and teaching activities are related to software development. His professional and academic career has been marked by a constant search for and finding a balance between the quality of solutions to practical problems, the professional motivation of new generations of students, the output of competitive knowledge from universities, and the combination of industrial challenges and education have marked his career. He has led software projects, from leading domestic IT companies to SMEs and foreign partners to creating dual Ph.D. programs.
Board member of the Industry 4.0 National Technology Platform, board member of the Artificial Intelligence Coalition, 5G Coalition, Hungarian Innovation Association, Member of the Hungarian Research Network (HUN-REN) Steering Board.