Máté Láng

In his own words, Máté is an extroverted geek and software ninja. He is passionate about distributed systems, cloud computing, the Java ecosystem, open source software and Linux. In recent years, he has designed, architected, and delivered cloud-first, scalable, maintainable services, mostly from scratch.

He likes to be actively involved in building a product from the ground up, not only writing the code but also assembling successful engineering teams. If he took his headphones off, we’d probably be hearing non-screaming metal, and he’s also a beginner drummer.

Plenary presentation: Software building on the border between chaos and order

The only constant in the software industry is change. The presentation will present a set of standards and “unwritten rules” that can be followed to produce transparent and modern software in a friendly and transparent way for programmers and customers.

Presentation in Cloud & DevOps: Infrastructure management using software engineering methods

Today we manage very complex distributed systems running in the cloud. DevOps culture has emerged in the last few years and is still very young. This talk will present a few ideas and strategies that have proven useful in a software development context and can be put to good use in cloud infrastructure management. Through some concrete examples, he will demonstrate these techniques using Terraform, AWS, Kubernetes and Helm.

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